Jobhop Jobhop's blog : Recruiters Use GitHub To Find Developers

Jobhop Jobhop's blog

Sometimes it’s easy to just stay put on the familiar social networking platforms, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, maybe Google+ ,but say you’re a skilled developer you could be missing out by not looking for niche platforms.

GitHub is a niche platform.

A recruiter looking for a developer, you’d think the easiest way to find a candidate would be to hang out on a platform where the developers hang out, where all the developers are nicely clustered together.

If you’re a developer looking to get hired then show casing your work on somewhere like GitHub would make sense.

GitHub is an online open source community where developers congregate.

No matter what type of code you write you can use this platform, build up your portfolio, recruiters will view it, they get to see your projects and see your specific open source contributions.

Build up your portfolio

Have a look at the profile of Tom Preston-Werner one of the co founders of GitHub to inspire you first.

When looking at a profile a recruiter can see exactly your contributions and the projects you’re involved in.

So for a recruiter they may view your LinkedIn profile to carry out their research on you e.g back experience, your summary, your testimonials, but to actually view your work and see who you collaboratively code with then it’s GitHub all the way. GitHub is the place to spot talent of today and tomorrow, by having your profile on this platform you’ll have an advantage over others who are only using LinkedIn

GitHub isn’t the only niche platform that recruiters are on looking for talent, but it probably gets the most attention from them.

Other niche platforms for developers to check out are: 

HTML5 Rocks








Have you had success in getting long contracts or full time work by using any niche platforms? We’d love to hear.

Let us know if there’s any other platforms that we’ve not listed that the Jobhop community should look.

JOIN Jobhop and spread the word.


Julie Bishop



  • Social media
On: 2015-06-14 15:49:02.307