Jobhop Jobhop's blog : Death Of The CV

Jobhop Jobhop's blog

I wish! Why do so many employers attach so much importance to 2 pieces of paper?

Why is there such an emphasis on submitting a CV?

The Curriculum Vitae (CV) is over 600 years old!! Come on isn’t about time for a change, who speaks Latin anymore anyway?  By the way it means course for life.

Thank Gawd for social media! It’s happening very gradually but there are some employers out there who are welcoming change.

Employers who are so stubborn as to not want to embrace change will eventually get left behind. Talented candidates will laugh at the thought of being asked for two bits of paper when you can see their professional profile on line in seconds, they’ll be working for the competition who moved with the times.

If a candidate is hot to hire why fuss around with a CV? Good candidates haven’t got time to mess about with CV’s, they’re already getting headhunted on Linkedin!

Guess what, if you’re going through a recruitment agency many of those CV’s you’ve received have been altered anyway by the recruiter, they just needed fixing before you saw them!

CV’s are trumped up, manicured and polished & too much is forced into 2 pages .. I  tell candidates to make it jump out at the employer in the top half of page 1, so you see how manipulated they are. Candidates are catching onto the software being used to sift through CV’s & are making sure their keywords are in the right colour to get picked up by the technology

For the many employers out there who are hanging onto the CV for dear life, let it go & embrace social media where you can get human connection from an online profile.

It’s got to be better than all that shredding you have to do!

Soon the non traditional ways will be the norm

For employers who fear change, if you think things are moving fast now give it another 5 yrs you wont know what’s hit you!

Wake up before Future runs you down!

JOIN Jobhop and spread the word.

Julie Bishop



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  • Jobs
  • Social media
On: 2015-04-25 22:52:08.938