Jobhop Jobhop's blog : A-Z of The Social Jobseeker

Jobhop Jobhop's blog

What is a social jobseeker? 

This A-Z guide gives an insight to who they are, where they hang out, what they’re like and what type of tactics and tools they use. 

A = Attract   A social jobseeker knows how to attract great employers and recruiters. They work on their profiles, know their keywords and they create great content.

B = Buffer  They Buffer great posts and share them across their networks at optimum times.

C = Content  Having a content strategy helps social jobseekers. They become known for their knowledge within the industry, they get found because they have something interesting or different to say. 

D = Digital Dirt They know that by posting drunken photos, tweeting negative comments, ranting, becoming friends with someone from the “most wanted list” or joining undesired groups could make employers avoid them, so they wouldn't dare to.

Digital Dirt

E = Employers  Social jobseekers know how to target employers and hunt them down across the social networks. Once the preferred employers have been found the social jobseeker then makes it their goal to get connected. 

F = Facebook  Friends and connections on Facebook can give the social jobseeker support and sign posts them to opportunities. 76% of social jobseekers found their current position through Facebook ( study by Jobvite ) 

G = Google Social jobseekers know that potential employers will “Google them” so they’ll always make sure what an employers sees on the first few pages are positive. Social jobseekers will also use Google+ to connect with influential people.

Google candidates

H = Hashtags  They know all the right hashtags to use to expand their reach, and will use them effectively, especially on Twitter & Instagram.

I   = Investigative  A social jobseeker knows how to be an investigator, they’ll research companies, their employees and they’ll investigate the interviewer to find out what makes them tick

J = Jobhop A social jobseeker will strategically jobhop to climb the career ladder fast. They’ll use the Jobhop website to find dynamic companies and fast track their career.

Jobhop Job hop the place to connect with employers

K = Keywords They know the power of keywords. They find out what their preferred company is looking for and they’ll mirror those words in their own content. They know that this will create a natural attraction from the company. 

L = Linkedin This may come as a surprise but most social jobseekers tend not to use Linkedin, the main reason being “it’s not social” Recruiters however love Linkedin and are over it like a rash, how ironic is that! 

M = Mobile  The social jobseeker is mobile and if a company hasn’t got a mobile recruitment strategy in place they will miss out.

N = Networking  They naturally network, not in a stuffy business way, in a social way. A social jobseeker wouldn’t call it networking, it’s just making friends.

O = Open  Social jobseekers do not see a separation between their working life and their personal life, there is no cross over. They are very open and put it all online for everyone to see. 

P = Profile A social jobseeker wouldn’t pimp up their profile only when their about to look for a new job. They know their profile can create opportunities at any time and that’s why it’s always at its best. 

Q = Quick They want a quick response, they expect feedback from their interview within 4 days. If they don’t get it they know that they can influence other candidates and consumers by telling them what a bad experience they had. 

R = Recommendations  Not just recommendations but comments on blog posts, RT’s on Twitter, likes, G+’s, shares and so on, all amounts to social proof. The social jobseeker knows the power of recommendations and what social proof can get them. The social jobseeker also expects the company they work for to have good recommendations.

S = Selfie Selfies are a phenomenon and because there’s no divide in a social jobseekers life their accounts are probably scattered with a few selfies, employers will have to accept that. The social jobseeker is aware that their selfies must never get out of hand. 

T = Twitter A social jobseeker knows it’s easy to get chatting to the right people on Twitter. They will hunt out the right Twitter chats to get involved in and track the right events to get connected at. 

U = Udemy  It’s a fast moving world and the social jobseeker knows that. They will use sites like Udemy to upskill and learn new skills fast.

V = Video Social jobseekers are not afraid to use video, whether that be uploading a video CV to Youtube, creating a video of their work to show-case or using Vine to impress a potential employer in 6 seconds. 

W = Website The super social jobseeker will have their own website where they will display their portfolio, have their CV and allow potential employers to find out about them via the “about me” section.

Y = Generation Y The original “social jobseeker” Their priorities are company ethics and job fulfillment.

Z = Generation Z They are now entering the work force, they are completely social, digital and technology is second nature to them. You better be ready for Generation Z

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Julie Bishop  

  • Social media
On: 2015-06-28 21:03:43.153