Jobhop Jobhop's blog : 5 Tweets You Must NEVER Tweet Whilst Job Seeking!

Jobhop Jobhop's blog

Sometimes what you tweet can ruin your chances of getting a job, it may not be that obvious to you but in just 140 characters you can turn potential employers off you.

There are just some things you must never tweet whilst you're job seeking

Jobseekers on Twitter repeatedly make these humungous tweet #FAILS and it’s time to STOP!

5 tweets that you must stop tweeting NOW if you want employers and recruiters to take you seriously     

  1. “I need a job, I’ll do anything” 

This particular tweet sounds desperate, it’s usually continuously repeated because of the persons desperation. Sometimes the tweet is directed at other Twitter users, it could be any Twitter user, so the tweet then looks like this “@MarkZuckerberg I need a job, I’ll do anything”  Do you think Mark Zuckerberg will tweet back “ I’ve got a job for you, I’ll interview you on Monday” ? No, of course not. Do you think Mark Zuckerberg or whoever else they tweet will give them a job? No, they will probably block them. 

Saying “I need a job” means nothing to an employer or a recruiter, they don’t know who you are, what you’re good at, what skills you have. Could they create a job for you anyway? No, because they don’t know what to create for you and why should they, you've probably just annoyed them. 

      2. "I want a social media job"

If you’ve only got 50 followers, an egg as your Twitter profile picture and a Klout score of 30 or less, then don’t have the cheek to tweet that you want a social media job. You wont be taken seriously until you’ve put a bit of work into it. Throw yourself into learning what you can, follow some social media industry leaders, absorb their knowledge and offer your services voluntary to a local business to get experience.

       3. “Looking for a job it's so depressing”

This tweet is usually one of many other down in the dumps tweets “Dunno why I got up today #nojob”  “I have no money, I have no job :(“  “ I lack all motivation, I can’t face any more interviews”  Who would employ anyone who constantly mopes about? Moping about on Twitter is terrible, your tweets are there for employers and recruiters to see and if your tweets are whining and miserable then you’ll be avoided. I'll be blunt here, you need a rocket of motivation up your backside and don't come back on Twitter until you do because you're depressing us! 

       4. “I’m sitting here in my pyjamas looking for a job” 

This is a definite no no! You cannot broadcast that you’re in your pyjamas especially if it’s gone midday! Even if you are in your pyjamas employers and recruiters want to believe that you’re motivated, proactive and ambitious, an image in their head of you in your pyjamas munching on cornflakes does not conjur up thoughts of you being their next go getter employee.  

       5. “I’m in debt so I need a second job”

Does anyone seriously think that this tweet will get them great job offers flooding in? 

Honesty is a great policy to have, but perhaps work on getting an interview first before you tell the recruiter your reasons for wanting to get a second job. Broadcasting that you need another job because you’re in debt probably wont do you any favours. 

Make Twitter work for you in your job hunt not against you. You can find out how by reading How Twitter can help you in your job search 

If you’re not sure what to tweet or how to use Twitter to get a job, then if you haven’t already JOIN Jobhop TODAY 

JOIN Jobhop and spread the word.

Don't tweet you're in your pyjamas

Julie Bishop  


Pic credit Liza

  • Social media
On: 2015-06-02 22:27:47.604